My very first session was with this gorgeous momma’s sister’s family. That was about 4 years ago. So, this session has really made me reflect on my photographic journey. Yes, the journey has had it’s twists, turns, bumps, and the occasional road block, but I wouldn’t change it in a heartbeat. I’ve always said that I’m in the business of making memories, and well, that’s something amazing to be a part of.

The Metz family was an absolute joy to photograph.

Smiles and lots of love, Taylor



  1. Laura says:


  2. Rebecca Kramer says:

    Oh, Taylor… These aren’t just photos. They are pieces of art. Beautiful!

  3. Ruthee Dewald says:

    Taylor, the photographs are beautiful creations; you have such a talent. To say good job is such an understatement.

  4. Leslie says:

    WOW! Just beautiful 🙂 Can’t wait to see these in frames at Laura’s house!

  5. Taylor says:

    Thanks for the sweet compliments everyone! I am glad you are enjoying them. Much love! <3

  6. Tess says:

    Ok…I have been admiring your pictures for years. I am Laura’s sister-in-law ( Tait’s sister) What is it going to take to get an appt with you? We have never had a family photo professionaly taken. My children are 4 and 6!

  7. Taylor says:

    Tess, shoot me an email! Maybe we can work something out for July 🙂

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