There’s a little miss named Stella.  She is a little cousin of mine, and she is QUITE beautiful if I do say so myself. I might be a little partial…

Either way, I just adore this family!

I am just swooning over that last one… Seriously? Look at her sweet smile!

Smiles and lots of love,



  1. Aunt Patty says:

    I’m gonna squeeze that baby when I see her next! Too cute!!!!

  2. Grma Pat says:

    Oh my Taylor. You really caught her personality in her pictures. ADORABLE!!

  3. Laura says:

    Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Love them, Taylor!! Love this family to the moon and back!!!!

  4. GAK aka Auntie Kate says:

    Look at them there eyes!!!! What a beauty

  5. Allison says:

    Hey taylor, I love these photos! I still remember all the things you told me and its helped alot! Again i want to say thanks and gorgeous photos!

  6. yan says:


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