Even though the temperatures aren’t exactly agreeing, HAPPY SPRING! And a happy one, it is! It’s been awhile since my last post and well, I promise that there is a good reason for that. I’m just not allowed to share it quite yet. I know, I know, I’m sorry for doing this to you. Trust me, I am bursting at the seams! Stay tuned!

I wish I had some pretty outdoor greenery to share to help welcome Spring, but I haven’t been able to shoot outside due to these cold temps! So instead, I’ll trade the green for a little pink.  My sweet cousin Jayci, turns three this month.  It’s so hard to believe that it was just three short years ago that I met her in the hospital.  She was so tiny with the sweetest of little rose petal lips and dark curls.  I fell in love with her then, but now, I fall just a little more every time I see her. How could I not?


Smiles and lots of love,



  1. alisha says:

    Taylor You have an AMAZING TALENT I was super excited for these and they are even better then I expected !

  2. Renee says:

    Some of the best pictures of Jayci to date. That is a VERY good color for her and as always the photographer did a wonderful job.
    Just to darn cute.

  3. Pat Poe says:

    Love these! Too stinking cute!!

  4. tonya says:

    Adorable! (And knock it off with the suspense, lol)

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