“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

But first, you must work up the courage to knock… and I loved the way she danced to the door.


I hope you are all having a beautiful week! I love this month. Not only do I turn 22 in a couple of weeks, but the past couple of weeks have presented me with such beautiful opportunities to photograph outdoors. May is truly like a breath of fresh air after the winter months. I am looking forward to many more outdoor sessions in the next few months! Contact me at 567-230-3880 to book your Summer session!



  1. DeB Laviola says:

    Thinking about getting 2 yr old pics for my granddaughter this summer when in Ohio. Wondered what fees are for this?

  2. Pedro says:

    Beth – I just love these two shots! I think you did a fantastic job in cartipung them. The kids look so precious. I know them in person and they are just as wonderful in real life as in the photos you took of them. The tradition that this family has of taking photos of each generation of boys at the age of 7 is so neat! I would love to have that kind of tradition in our family! Thanks for sharing the photos with us!!Beth

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