Well, it has. Nearly 10 months to be exact. So much has happened in my crazy life since my last post!

For example… I am now MARRIED.


(photo credit to the fabulous Misty Nolan Photography)

AND I also own a house… well, a farm to be exact.


(excuse the cellphone snapshot)

A lot has happened in the past 10 months. It feels like a long period of time and it feels like it flew by all at once. As I reflect on these past 10 months, I can’t help but to think about the joy that has flowed through my heart, the uncertain moments that have shaped me, and the grief that softened me. Life is good in that way.

Someday, hopefully in a little over a year or so, that barn furthest to the left of the photo will become my studio. But for now, I’m still here in downtown Tiffin, loving every second. 🙂

In the meantime, I fully intend on updating this blog often. If you would like to follow along more closely with my work and life, I recommend following me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/taylorelchert





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