If you know me, you know that I’m a huge animal lover! When I saw our local humane society was in need of some things, I knew I had to do something… but when I dreamt up this event, I never imaged this outcome. We have collected SO MUCH at the studio for the humane society. Thank you to all who participated in this fun contest! This is sure to make a difference in the lives of many animals.

Emmitt is the winner! He brought in the MOST things for the humane society, but there were a handful of others who didn’t go down without a fight! It was awesome to watch these determined contestants go back and forth from the studio to stores, trying to stay in the lead! I am humbled by their dedication, and because of that , my second, third, and fourth place contestants will all receive a prize.

Anyway, I’m so excited to photograph the first place winner for the next THREE YEARS! Congratulations, buddy! And thanks again to everyone who had a hand in this amazing outcome!



  1. Ed Elchert says:

    Visiting your website was so inspiring and brought back a lot of memories of my own ambitions of pursuing photography as a hobby/business. I’ve always been intrigued by being able to capture a moment in time whether it be of nature (my favorite), or an event, or especially of a persons life. Looking at pictures of my children or my grand parents or other long departed of the family tree, it transports you back to that moment in time. I for one can really appreciate the lucky few who have the artistic ability to capture those moments with such compassion and style. Keep catching “time in a bottle ” for more enjoyable memories for all who are blessed by your talent : )
    Ed Elchert

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