


She is beautiful… in every essence of the word. Angelic, even. And she is going to be a big sister to twin brothers this Fall. Yes, I am one very excited photographer. Smiles and lots of love, Taylor

June 19, 2012

Children, Family

Baby Zoey

There once was a beautiful baby named Zoey.  Despite her momma and daddy’s pleas, this gorgeous girl refused to sleep.  That’s okay though, because as I said, she is beautiful and obviously very polite (it’s rude to sleep while you have company). There is a special kind of peace in a household that is welcoming […]

June 19, 2012

Newborn {lifestyle}

Long Exposure

I am SO lucky to have such amazing clients. I want to take a quick moment to say thank you to all of you who took the time to contact me regarding my “Decisions” post. You’re words will continue to mean so much to me as I go through these transitions in my life! Anyway, […]

June 15, 2012



Don’t they have the coolest names? Well, they also have a pretty cool dad and a super sweet mom. I absolutely enjoyed meeting and photographing this adorable family for the first time. Smiles and lots of love, Taylor

June 14, 2012



If it makes you happy, it can’t really be wrong. I’m facing decisions. What feels right certainly doesn’t seem right. Maybe there is no right. Maybe life doesn’t come with a roadmap. Maybe life doesn’t include instructions. So, it’s feel vs. seem, and let me tell you, it’s a bitter fight. Smiles and lots of […]

June 11, 2012


The Metz Family

My very first session was with this gorgeous momma’s sister’s family. That was about 4 years ago. So, this session has really made me reflect on my photographic journey. Yes, the journey has had it’s twists, turns, bumps, and the occasional road block, but I wouldn’t change it in a heartbeat. I’ve always said that […]

June 7, 2012



Inhale. Exhale. I’ve dreamt of walking across that stage since I first walked down the halls of Columbian High School.  I just didn’t expect those four years to go so fast.  Nor did I expect to miss her so much.  Being able to walk in places that she did not, and live in moments that […]

June 4, 2012


Crafty Side?

If you know me, you know about my random urges to “create”. Well, after cleaning out my studio last night, I decided to try my hand at making a bonnet. My sewing skills are a little rusty, so I will need to practice before I consider selling anything, but I’d say it’s not too shabby […]

May 31, 2012


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