


Ch-ch-changes! I’m so excited about my new portrait guide. I worked so hard on this a few weeks ago, and it was so fun to sit down and design a page for each of the sessions that I offer. 🙂 Redesigning pricing?… not so fun. BUT I am glad that I did it because clients […]

May 2, 2017

Baby, Children, Family, Uncategorized

It Has Been Awhile…

Well, it has. Nearly 10 months to be exact. So much has happened in my crazy life since my last post! For example… I am now MARRIED. (photo credit to the fabulous Misty Nolan Photography) AND I also own a house… well, a farm to be exact. (excuse the cellphone snapshot) A lot has happened in […]

April 28, 2017

Baby, Children, personal


I had a dream once, that I was running through open fields. The sun was setting and the air was sticky and someone was beside me.  I’m still unsure of who that was, but just being there, it all felt so peaceful, content, and right. I see glimpses of my dreams, my childhood, and my future […]

July 18, 2016

Children, Family, personal

Sweet Siblings

In all of my nearly eight years of being a child photographer, I’ve never seen siblings interact quite like these two. They were so tender, gentle, loving, and sweet with each other… everything that I hope to witness between my own little munchkins someday. xo

February 29, 2016

Baby, Children

I Believe

About two weeks ago, I had the privilege of dressing up as Princess Ariel for a local business (Simply Susan’s) during my city’s Winterfest Tree Lighting Event and visiting with all of Tiffin’s sweet little ones. While knelt down beside a little girl, with my long skirt flowing all over the sidewalk, she asked me, […]

December 18, 2015

Baby, Children, Event, personal

Parker {one year}

Finals week is officially OVER, so I’m going to take this moment to share one of my fall portrait sessions. Sweet Parker stole my heart. And I think that fall colors were made for him to be photographed in… <3 xo

December 11, 2015

Baby, Children

Tiny Flowers

“Taylor, this is for you” And I turned around to see her holding out a pair of tiny flowers. Amongst a field of dried out weeds and dead grass, she sought out these two pretty little flowers on the ground… and she offered them to me in her tiny, chipped nail polished, fingers. xo

November 15, 2015


In a Field of Purple

I’ve been doing a little bit of slowing down these days. A little over a year ago, I wrote a post about Drinking Coffee with Two Hands. It may have taken me a year and four months to fully begin to grasp that concept, and I think I am still working on it, but slowing […]

October 7, 2015


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