First of all, welcome to my new blog/website! It was time for a change and I am just loving my new set-up. I hope you are too;) So many people have asked me, “Why make the change now? Aren’t you heading to college this Fall?”. Well, the answer is yes, I am heading to college this Fall. WHICH IS exactly why I need a new and improved website: it’s much faster at uploading photos and posts. So, if I spend less time blogging, I’ll have more time for studying (so don’t worry about a thing, Mom).

Anyway, on to the guest of honor: sweet Emelia. I was thrilled when her momma contacted me about a lifestyle newborn session. I love lifestyle. I love newborns. I wish I could photograph lifestyle newborns all day. At the end of our session, Emelia’s momma said, “That was really FUN!”- best compliment ever.

Smiles and lots of love, Taylor


  1. Tonya H says:

    Love it! 🙂

  2. Amanda C. says:

    Love them!! 🙂

  3. Alli C. says:

    These are so cute… Congrats on your new website!

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