Being a photographer isn’t always easy.

It’s not always beautiful.

It’s not always what it seems.

These days have been filled with “inadequate-so-not-worth-it” ambiguous feelings. I wonder if I’m the only photographer that feels this way at times. Sometimes I feel that it’s impossible that I’m alone in this. Other times, I feel like I am completely alone.

This can be a complicated field.  A photographer must pour their hearts into their camera, into their images, into their art… and then they have to put a price on it. And then they have to turn down clients. And then they have clients turn them down. There will always be someone better, someone cheaper, someone that gives out discs with the session, someone worth it… so those “inadequate-so-not-worth-it” ambiguous feelings cloud a photographer’s heart ever so often. Or maybe, it’s just me.

No matter what it is, it requires commitment to pursue your passion, despite the naysayers.  It requires commitment to stay on your path in the face of discouragement. Even when you aren’t sure if you, yourself, are convinced, it requires commitment.

I wanted to let you know about an auction that I am hosting on my facebook page. The proceeds are going to be donated to baby Easton. If you haven’t heard of Easton’s story, you can read it here:

Please take a moment to click the “join me on facebook” tab above and check out the auction. Maybe even bid or hit share. Remember, this is for a baby in need. And well, on a much smaller perspective, this is something that makes me feel “worth it”.

Smiles and lots of love,



  1. Laura says:

    Is that Grace? Beautiful photo, WOW! yes, it’s worth it. 🙂

  2. Tonya says:

    Beautiful photo! Amazing like all your other photos. You definitely have a bright future in photography and I wish I had 1/4 of your talent and creativity. And what you are doing for Easton is wonderful! I wish I had something worth donating to the auction.

  3. LisaB says:

    Trust your talent. Trust in yourself. You have a gift! I don’t know you (other than online) but I feel like I can see little pieces of you…and what I see is beautiful. The business of photography is not always easy, but know that with your gift the right clients will come to you. Let’s be real….would we go into a car dealership and ask them if we can get the car we want for 1/2 price because we deserve it?…would be walk into a clothing store and tell the clerk we love this outfit so much that we should get it for free? Your time (and talent) is worth so much more than less than minimum wage…[I now step down off soap box]. Have faith! I am so enjoying your photography these last several months and I can’t imagine that in time people will be lining up to book with you.

    • Taylor says:

      Lisa, I can’t even find the words to express how THANKFUL I am to have met you… even if it is just online;). You have provided me with so much support and reassurance these past couple of months. I am truly blessed.
      Much love! <3

  4. Leslie says:

    It’s worth it!!!!! <3 this picture!

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