After I made the “big switch” with my prices, I’ve received a lot emails.  Many of them were positive, but others… not so much.  It took me weeks of pouring over these emails, asking myself if I made the right decision, feeling a little worthless at times, and then reading those emails again until I FINALLY decided to address the issue on my blog, where everyone can indulge in not only my midnight thoughts, but what I’ve been dwelling on for the past couple of months.

Here’s what I’ve come down to: people will always invest in whatever is important to them.  If having the latest handbag is important to you, you will invest in it.  If owning the latest Apple product is important to you, you will invest in it. If having beautiful photographs to cherish memories and precious moments in your life is important to you, you will invest in them.  I understand that photographs are not important to everyone.  As much as it pains me to admit it, I understand that some people are completely content with Walmart portraits… but if you want more than what Walmart has to offer, you have to be willing to make it a priority.  It is true: you really do get what you pay for.

Will potential clients turn me down? Yes. Have I already lost some clients? Yes. Is my heart a little broken? Yes.

Do I have negative feelings toward any of them? No.

I want families to choose me as their photographer because they love my work… not because I have the cheapest product or the best deal.  I want their photographs to be as valuable to them as they are to me.  To me, this is more than just my job.  I eat, drink, and BREATHE photography. Did you know that I keep a sketchbook handy just in case I have any spontaneous ideas? (Which I often do). I even keep a notepad on my nightstand, because I couldn’t bear to forget my 3a.m. thoughts and ideas.  I just adore what I do.   It’s what I know.  It’s who I am.

So, to all of you who are “disappointed” in me and my business, I am truly very sorry, but I love what I do too much to continue to undervalue the amount of love, time, and passion that I put into it.

Now, I leave you with a photo of way too sweet little cousin, because I feel so lucky to be doing what I love.

Happy third birthday to that little sweetheart.

Smiles and lots of love,



  1. Diane stallings says:

    Taylor, your photos are exceptional and it is obvious that you pour your heart and soul into them. I don’t know your prices, but I’m us re they are appropriate for the time and equipment that you invest. Congrats on a successful business. Diane

  2. Michelle says:

    Finally Taylor! I was just talking to a co worker of mine….telling her you need to adjust your prices. After she was telling me about newer photographer that charged astronomical sitting fee, then a hidden additional $250 for 15 edited pics. Don’t ever cheat yourself Taylor. You have amazing talent. Anyone unhappy about prices, hope they like “life moments” as Walmart catches them. XOXO
    Btw….pic above is adorable.

  3. Humphrey says:

    HUGE smile with this post! How you are growing!!! Stay strong and positive! I am proud of you!

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