Trust is a fragile thing.

I can remember when I was a little kid… my sister and I would play with the lights and ornaments on our Christmas tree.  I remember twisting and pulling on one little white light and accidentally breaking it, making the entire strand go dark.

One small element of an entire system breaks, and the whole thing is broken forever. Useless. Damaged. Hurt. Yes, trust is a fragile thing.

For me, this holiday season is a little dark.  I feel a little bit of a void.  I feel a heavy heart.  I feel hurt.

One strand of those lights left me in the dark…  but others shone brighter than ever.  This holiday season, I am letting the light shine on the dark corners of my heart. I am thanking God for every member of my family (whether still with me or gone) for the joy, love, and light that each has given me, especially when I feel left in the dark.

I am remembering that love is eternal and families are forever.  Trust is a fragile thing, but it can always, always, always, be found in family.

I want to apologize for my absence. I wanted to write… oh trust me, I wanted to write… I just didn’t know quite how to put my feelings into words, and I certainly didn’t know how to begin to write about a session. So much has happened in the past month and I struggle with keeping my personal life “personal” on this blog. I want to thank every one who has shown me love, support, and especially light when my world seemed a bit dark. I love you all.

Merry Christmas,



  1. Tonya says:

    Beautiful. Merry Christmas

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