Tonight, after all of my sessions, my sisters and I went to see Monsters University. Monsters Inc. was a favorite of ours when we were kids, so it was kind of special seeing it together… and pretty bittersweet.  How tricky of Disney Pixar to wait exactly 12 years to release Monsters University after the first, when the targeted audience then is going to college now. Anyway, if you’re wondering, I give the movie an A+!

The movie made me think about how quickly 12 years already went by.  It made me think about “my kids”. It made me wonder what they will be doing in 12 years… some entering middle school, some high school, and some college. As I sift through a family’s images, I can’t help but to wonder what amazing things the kids will do with their lives. No matter what path they choose, I can only hope that they live their lives fully. I hope that when they are planning their graduation parties, they pull out my images and are reminded of how special their childhood was.

I’ve had thoughts of specializing in newborns someday. There’s so much talk in the photography community of “everything photographers”. After tonight, I realized something. My heart belongs with family. Mine and yours. From marriage, to maternity, to newborn, to children. I cannot specialize because I wouldn’t be able to make the images that I do… the passion would be lost. The love would be missing. As for what they’re saying in the photography community, well, I really don’t care. It’s not about them. It’s about me and you and the memories we make.

I’m not quite sure how so many deep thoughts resulted from Monsters University, but meet the Newman family. 😉 If you’re a follower of my blog, you’ve met them before. They are such a sweet family and it has been my pleasure to work with them over the years. It has been amazing watching their kiddos grow.


  1. Karen says:

    These pictures are all so great! I love love love all of them:)… And I love love love all of the people in them:)

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