Yesterday, I celebrated Taylor Elchert Photography’s fifth “birthday”. I allowed myself to take pictures for only about 10 minutes. I left the rest of the party to my sister, Allie, to capture with her point and shoot while I enjoyed the party.  There was a point during the party after everyone (despite my resistance) had sang Happy Birthday to my business, where I just looked around the garage thinking to myself, “I am so incredibly BLESSED”. I mean, I know that I am, but when so many people that you love are in the same room, it hits extra hard.

It hasn’t officially been 5 years quite yet. My business’s official birthday isn’t until August, but it still amazes me how quickly time goes. I’m looking forward to another 5 years… and many more after that!

Thanks again to everyone that braved the rain and came out to celebrate!



  1. Alim Lalani says:

    Happy 5th anniversary Taylor!!! Here’s to many more!!!

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