Today at 4pm, I welcomed friends, family, and clients into my studio for my ribbon cutting ceremony. I’ve been in this space since June, but let me just say, it’s a work in progress. 🙂 I spent my whole Summer making it pretty, and I was finally ready to schedule a ribbon cutting. Perfect timing, too, because two weeks ago, I arrived at my studio to see a business card from the chamber of commerce taped to my studio window, along with a sweet note. So yes, on this beautiful October day, my studio filled with amazing people who I love so dearly. I had to laugh when one of the ambassadors said, “wow! I have NEVER seen so many kids at a ribbon cutting before!”. There were kids all over… eating cookies, grabbing candy, playing with props, and playing with me, of course. What can I say? I love them! I do. It’s funny to me because almost every newborn client mommy or daddy says, “I bet you can’t wait to have one of your own”, as they watch me snuggle their precious new baby.  I always laugh and say, “well, I need a man first!” hehe… then I smile and tell them that I already have too many kids to count. I call them mine… because for the brief moments that they spend in front of my lens, they certainly feel like they’re mine. I’ve been blessed.

I’m not sure what I did to deserve it, but I have been blessed.

My very first client, holding my hand as I cut the ribbon. <3



  1. Mary Wuescher says:

    Just love this Taylor. Your are GRAND!!!!

  2. Tonya says:

    Love the pictures. Wish we could have made it out. And Id love to say that Landon and Lily are your kids too but Landon says you are his girlfriend, lol. 🙂

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