I got my first EVER speeding ticket on Friday.  I was heading down to Cincinnati to meet with an amazing family through Red Thread Sessions (a wonderful organization that gives photo sessions to newly adoptive families).  Anyway, I was devastated.  The officer kept asking me, “where are you going in such a hurry?”, but I couldn’t answer him because I was… too busy crying.  He asked me over and over, but he never got anything more than a sob out of me.  Big old LOL happening over here now, but at the time, it was anything but funny.  He was a jerk (and that’s being nice), but he was right.  I was going too fast.

As I pulled away from his vehicle with tears in my eyes, I couldn’t help but to ask myself, where am I going so FAST? Not in that moment, but in my life… I’m 20 years old.  And for goodness sakes, I don’t have a thing figured out. But… I’m 20.  Sometimes, I forget that.  I’m not supposed to have everything figured out.  I overwhelm myself too often, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when I think about making it through another whole semester… but that’s okay, because I don’t have to.  I JUST need to make it through today.  I need to slow down… stop focusing on tomorrow, but instead, today.  Here and now.  One day at a time.

For those of you wondering… I’ll pay the fine and move on, but I will not be caught speeding again. Ever ever ever again. Like I told one of my closest friends, I think of money in terms of the amount of props and chipotle burritos I can buy…  And let’s just say, I don’t like missing out on EITHER of those things.

I leave you with a couple of photos of a very fast two-year-old (who also appeared in my previous post). I’m so glad I have mastered the art of running backwards and shooting at the same time. It’s one of my favorite things having an excited two-year-old chasing me down! 🙂 Have a wonderful week everyone!



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