This time of the year sneaks up on me. And this year, it snuck up with vengeance. I mean, it’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, right? For me – and I’m sure many others can relate – it tends to bring stress. Like many others, photographers work their booties off at this time of the year. And I’m included. Totally bootiless.

But… I have to say, 2013 has been my FAVORITE year so far. Throughout this year, I worked with so many awesome new people. I photographed people who I love so dearly. I officially began to offer mini sessions. I photographed miraculous births. I became friends with an awesome group of photographers. I also began to offer workshops and mentoring sessions for others who share a passion similar to my own.  This year, I did what I thought was impossible… I got a studio. Make that TWO studios, and the blessings just keep coming. So yeah… this time of the year is a little stressful and a lot of crazy, but if you take a step back, breathe, and recognize the blessings, somehow that stress starts to disappear.

I’m counting my blessings every single day. Seriously, I can’t help to get a little choked up when I think about it. I am blessed. And for those certain things in life that may not seem like blessings… well, those are blessings in disguise. I’m not sure how or why I deserve this wonderful life, but I am blessed beyond measure. I’m blessed to be alive. I’m blessed to have the simple things… a family that loves me, a roof over my head, and food on my table. I’m blessed in another area as well… my passion. A passion that led to a career, but more importantly, an intense love. An intense love for the craft and the beautiful people who keep me going… without those people, where would I be? WHO would I be?…

So… if you’re reading this now, thank you for keeping me going. Thank you for pushing me to where I am today. Thank you for allowing me to be ME. Maybe you’re a monthly client of mine or maybe you quietly skim my blog from afar. Maybe we worked together years ago or maybe you plan on bringing me your future baby. Maybe we’ve become close friends or maybe we are soon-to-be. No matter what, I simply cannot thank you enough for the amazing love and support you’ve given me in 2013. Thank YOU for supporting my one true love. Thank you for loving my art as much as I do.

I look forward to the awesome things that 2014 has in store for us.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year! xoxo




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