I went to a bookstore yesterday, in search of a book that they didn’t have. But in my quest for that book, another book caught my eye… a book titled “North American Birds”. You know I’m drawn to all things birds, so I took a moment to flip through the pages. My dad has a similar book at home. I studied it fiercely when I was a little kid.

Anyway, when I put that book back on the shelf, another book caught my eye… a book called, “More Than a Bucket List”. As you may or may not know, I’m big into my own bucket list, which includes purchasing a vintage Airstream and traveling the country, raising chickens, and adopting a child someday. 😉 With those thoughts in mind, I  stood there in the store and read a bit of the introduction. It became clear to me that this book isn’t totally about big items on a bucket list, such as the items on my own. Instead, it’s mostly about smaller, less literal, things… living your dreams and following your faith. I knew I had to buy the book. And so I did. I started reading it today.

On page 1, there are these words: “Be intentional”. Those two words stood out to me. What does it mean to be intentional? The dictionary defines “intentional” like this:

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Be intentional. Live with purpose, live to make a difference, live to LOVE… every single day. Right now, that’s on the top of my bucket list.

P.S.- I would also like to mention that the author’s last name is Birdsong. Sometimes, things just work out so flawlessly and remind me of her so strongly that it’s almost impossible for them not to be… intentional.




  1. Brittni says:

    I. Love. You…

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