Two years ago, I was sitting in a freshman orientation. I wasn’t a freshman, but I was a transfer. I’m a third year marketing major, for those of you who are new to the blog.  So that’s where I was… anxious and excited and so very lost. Not a clue in the world where the wind would take me. I remember one of the women who spoke to us (who also taught me to play the piano over ten years ago). I remember her speech so vividly today because I knew I would need it.

“You don’t have to make it through four years of college. You don’t even have to make it through an entire semester. You just have to make it through today.”

Today. That’s it. And I’m so incredibly grateful for that. I just have to make it through today. And tomorrow, I will do it again.

I don’t know for sure what my future will bring.  But I’m going to raise my sail. God knows what I’m headed towards.


If you haven’t heard the song Sailboat by Ben Rector, I recommend googling it. I’ve listened to it on repeat all week. 🙂





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