A few weeks ago, I came across a snapshot of my studio in its earliest days.  The photo has been on my mind and heart since seeing it… like a glimpse into my past.  I had forgotten its very existence.  The half-started plans of a patterned wall, dark concrete floor, and icky icky icky panelling came flooding back into my memory.  I can almost feel the sweaty humid air on my skin and the warm Summer breeze coming through the doors (forever amazing to me how an image has the power to do that).  My heart flutters now thinking about the dreams I had then, and all of the dreams that I didn’t know I had held deep in my heart… that have since came true in this space.  It is absolutely amazing what a difference a fresh coat of paint can make.

In more recent news: this week is the first week of my last year of college.  It feels so surreal to me to think that this chapter of my life will close in just eight months.  I feel anxious and excited and so very scared to no longer be in school, and therefore, be a FULL-TIME-nothing-else-on-my-plate photographer. And it’s that fear that tells me that it is ohhh so very right.  That it’s the path that God has paved for me.  And yes, I will admit that the path thus far has been curvy and bumpy.  There have been hills and road blocks and valleys.  There have been times when I was sure that I just could not continue for one… more… day. But I did.  And I will continue follow Him through all of the curves, bumps, hills, road blocks, and valleys that are still ahead of me.

So, here’s to loving our beginnings along with the curvy & bumpy parts of our journies, and the icky icky icky parts of our past. It is so incredibly important to love and accept all that is underneath the sparkling new paint job…  EVEN if panelling is involved.

IMG_3180Deep calls to deep

in the roar of Your waterfalls;

all Your waves and breakers have swept over me.

By day the LORD directs His love,

at night His song is with me –

a prayer to the God of my life.

Psalm 42:7-8




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