Since the girls are officially sleeping in their own cribs through the night, I thought it would be the perfect time to take you on a nursery tour!

I don’t know if you are anything like me… but if you are, you have probably been dreaming about decorating your baby’s nursery long before you were considering having children. I’ve had a Pinterest board dedicated to nurseries for YEARS. All kinds of adorable ideas and themes were pinned at a time when even my wildest dreams couldn’t clue me in as to what was to come.

When I was pregnant, I loved sitting in the nursery and dreaming of who my girls would be. I remember one time, specifically… it was late in the summer and I had just returned from a trip to Nashville for a photography workshop. It was late (past midnight) and I was exhausted. I walked through the door and was greeted by my husband, who was clearly excited to show me a surprise he’d been working on. He led me up the stairs, and we turned the corner. I saw two white cribs. Two white cribs were in my home. It was in that moment that it truly began to sink in that there would soon be two baby girls to lay down in those cribs… two baby girls in my home who were already so deeply engraved in the corners of my heart. The fact that I am glancing over at the baby monitor as I write this and seeing two beautiful, healthy, and peaceful sleeping baby girls in those very same white cribs is a blessing that is not lost on me.

Putting together this room was one of the highlights of my pregnancy. I hold every detail so, so dear.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.









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