Last week, I posted some photos to my Facebook page, and I decided to share more here in honor of my dad’s birthday today.

This series is a bit different from the usual photographs you see on my page.

Four years ago, I finally got my Christmas wish. My dad let me photograph him while he made dough. I remember rushing out the door at 2:59am to meet him at his restaurant. At almost 3 in the morning, I was running late. When I arrived, he already had his music cranked up loud; he had already began his morning routine. I was completely captivated as I watched him move smoothly and swiftly, making dough, rolling it, and then turning it into perfectly round pizzas. It was like an art. It was like magic. When I left around 4:30am, he was just finishing up his second batch. And he does this every morning. There is something to be said about that kind of dedication and love for his craft, but I’m not sure I can find the right words. In fact, I am not sure there are words for how amazing my father is. He is everything to our family. And as I watched him so artfully roll dough, I couldn’t help but to think that those are the same strong hands that once held me… and now hold my daughters.

So today, I am thankful for the book of these images that I get to share with my girls. It continues to have an impact on me even four years later. I’m thankful for my craft, because without it, we wouldn’t have these treasured photos. And as always, I’m thankful for my dad and the inspiration and support he has given (and continues to give) me. Happy birthday to one of the very best men in my life!

The clock on our microwave at home read “2:59” and my dad was already long gone.


  1. Mary says:

    He is a pro exact Percision !❤️

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