On my way to this wedding, in all of my wedding day bliss, a fitting song played on the radio.

The sky was speckled with clouds, and it was so fitting that there was a soft breeze paired with warm sunshine.

Her hands fit just perfectly in his.

They now share a last name: Rhiel (pronounced like “real”).

So, this is Rhiel Love…

how fitting.

This is just a glimpse of the pure sweetness I was blessed to be a part of today. More to come. <3

Smiles and lots of love,



  1. Laura says:

    Beautiful post….Gave me goosebumps!

  2. Katherine says:

    I love this!! 🙂

  3. Laura says:

    Beautiful…can’t wait to see the rest! Your last wedding for a while 🙁 hope your family session tonight was smoothe!

  4. Jennifer Gravitt says:

    I wanted to talk to you about pricing for our wedding that is June 22,2019. The wedding will be outside of Tiffin at Camp Glen.

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