Well, for the first time in a long time, I feel tired… not the sleepy kind, but the completely mentally drained kind. School is kicking my butt and I had so much on my mind today, that I totally forgot that I had an appointment scheduled to get my oil changed. Blah. I never ever ever ever forget things and especially not when I make appointments for things. As a business owner, I feel horrible. I will be calling them first thing in the morning with about 5 thousand sorries. Really though, I feel completely awful. I imagine that I feel a little like the way my dad felt when he forgot to pick me up from middle school. Maybe a little? By the way, Dad, if you’re reading this, I promise to get my oil changed ASAP (and sorry about the reference).

Also, for the first time in a long time, I feel small. Unaccomplished. If you are any kind of artist reading this now, I know you can relate to how I feel.  It’s part of who we are… and it’s just part of the gig, I guess. We love our work and we think we’re pretty awesome, then a switch turns and we see flaws… Then the switch turns again. Whew. It’s kind of like a routine… kind of like getting an oil change.  After those 3,000 miles of feeling good, we need some kind of reminder to keep our feet on the ground.  I mean, if we thought we were absolutely perfect, how would we ever get anywhere?  You have to change your oil if you plan on going far.


Anyway, I do really try to avoid these feelings… the best way to do that is to photograph. 🙂 So I leave you tonight with a photo of me working with a perfect little chunker named Arya. I’ve already introduced you to her… she’s my most recent birth story. She has me wrapped firmly around her little finger. Oh, I just love her.




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