

Harrison {first 48}

April 7, 2014 8 pounds, 15 ounces of pure sweetness. xo

April 23, 2014

first 48

Pamela + Corrie {maternity}

I sat alone at a high table in Franks Hall. One of my classes got out early, so I had a little time to try to catch up on emails. So, there I sat, tapping away at my cell-phone, when another student sat across from me. I smiled at him. His eyes matched his shirt […]

January 16, 2014

Maternity, personal, Uncategorized

Newborn Session Video

Let me start by telling you how blessed I am.  I meet tiny people.  I hold them.  I snuggle them.  I love them. And I capture them. And I’d like to thank Julian from Rainbow Tiger Media for capturing me…  I don’t just mean physically, no.  He captured my spirit.  My heart.  This video is […]

September 30, 2013

Newborn {studio}, Uncategorized

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