

In The Quiet

I sat here for awhile. Trying to decide how words could possibly do these photographs justice. They can’t. But I will say that moments like these validate what I do. Families like this one show me why God put a camera in my hands.  It’s an extraordinary thing to be a part of memories. Whenever I […]

December 9, 2013


Behind The Scenes

You know, I really love what I do. Every aspect of it, actually. With so much pride, I get to create memories.  I get to see parents in awe as I work with their little ones, just marveling at the sole fact that this precious baby is really theirs.  Most of all, I get to […]

February 24, 2013

Newborn {studio}, Uncategorized

New Beginnings

It was amazing. Incredible. Tearful. Extraordinary. It was a miracle. The birth of Caliber… Thank you, Traci and Mason, for letting me witness your beautiful miracle. xoxo, Taylor

February 3, 2013


Dylan {first 48}

Have I ever told you how much I adore what I do? It’s hard for me to put into words… but it’s almost as much as I adore the tiny people that I get to work with, and sweet teeny tiny Dylan was no exception. I feel privileged to introduce you to Dylan Charles Fox. […]

January 13, 2013

first 48

Beckham {first 48}

Beckham Mitchell Hall January 3, 2013 1:03 p.m. 8 lbs. 7 oz. 21 inches Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful… beautiful boy. Smiles and lots of love, Taylor

January 4, 2013

first 48

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