

Happy Birthday to My Dad

Last week, I posted some photos to my Facebook page, and I decided to share more here in honor of my dad’s birthday today. This series is a bit different from the usual photographs you see on my page. Four years ago, I finally got my Christmas wish. My dad let me photograph him while […]

December 10, 2019


So, uhh… hi!

So it is officially October, and I just realized something… I only posted here ONE TIME this year, and that was way back in January. Oops. In the hustle and bustle of life and business, this blog has unfortunately suffered a bit! I know I’ve said it before, but one of my goals is to […]

October 2, 2019

Baby, Newborn {studio}

Three Months Old

First of all, THANK YOU for all of the wonderful messages and comments regarding my post about PPD. I was right – brighter days were ahead indeed. We have settled into a more solid routine and I feel like myself again. Don’t get me wrong… there are days that the laundry sits in the washer […]

February 22, 2018


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