First of all, THANK YOU for all of the wonderful messages and comments regarding my post about PPD. I was right – brighter days were ahead indeed. We have settled into a more solid routine and I feel like myself again. Don’t get me wrong… there are days that the laundry sits in the washer for way too long and dishes overflow the sink, but I have learned to accept this as a new way of life. My babies are fed and happy, my pets are fed and happy, and although I could probably use a shower and a solid three days of sleep, I’m managing. Moms I tell ya… I’m convinced we’re all super heroes.

Anyway, my darling girls are three months old! I thought I would take a moment to share some photos with you. They were my most difficult subjects BY FAR. When they were in my belly, they were always giving the ultrasound techs a hard time, and I knew that as a photographer/mama I was in trouble. I wasn’t wrong.

My sweet girls… I hope you go a little easier on me at your six month milestone! And maybe, just maybe, you’ll let me do some sissy poses sometime next week…




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