

Slow Down

I got my first EVER speeding ticket on Friday.  I was heading down to Cincinnati to meet with an amazing family through Red Thread Sessions (a wonderful organization that gives photo sessions to newly adoptive families).  Anyway, I was devastated.  The officer kept asking me, “where are you going in such a hurry?”, but I […]

October 20, 2013

Children, personal, Uncategorized

The REAL Story of Snow White {Pit Bull Awareness Month}

It was a beautiful Fall evening, not different than most, when Snow White decided to take a nice long stroll through the forest… They say that Snow White is the fairest of them all. She is very, very pretty. Beautiful, indeed.  While enjoying the beauty of nature and the warmth of sunshine, something caught Snow […]

October 14, 2013

Children, Event, personal, Uncategorized

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