Tonight, after all of my sessions, my sisters and I went to see Monsters University. Monsters Inc. was a favorite of ours when we were kids, so it was kind of special seeing it together… and pretty bittersweet. How tricky of Disney Pixar to wait exactly 12 years to release Monsters University after the first, […]
Since I began this business, 4 short years ago, I had a dream. A dream that consisted of storefront windows and pretty white walls… I’ve been mulling this dream over and pushing it into the corners of my heart. I didn’t think I could do it, but these past couple of weeks, I thought hard […]
Beckham Mitchell Hall January 3, 2013 1:03 p.m. 8 lbs. 7 oz. 21 inches Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful… beautiful boy. Smiles and lots of love, Taylor
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