I burnt my tongue on my coffee this morning. Not exactly how I wanted to start my Tuesday, August 21st, second day of college. Actually, I’m not sure if I really wanted to start my second day of college at all. I have some issues with change. Well, maybe “issues” is an understatement. For me, change is terrifying. 

But I went, and after being let out of one of my classes early, I did what any other shopaholic would do: go to the mall! When I got out of my car to march into TJ Maxx, I noticed something small at my feet. To be honest, at first I thought it was just a napkin that someone carelessly tossed out of their car window- that’s how roughed up it looked. No, it wasn’t a napkin. It was a little bird… with a clearly broken foot. I’m a total sucker for all animals, so seeing this little bird struggling, well, it broke my heart.

I knew that the little thing would just get hit by a car in the parking lot, so I was trying to scare it (as carefully as I could) into a small grassy area. The bird chirped and squealed… making it very clear that it did not want me near it. It couldn’t move. It was stuck. It was scared. It was panicked. As I knelt down, cupping my hands to carry it to safety, something happened… the little mangled bird flew away.

I guess sometimes, we just need to be pushed in order to see our full potential.

I’m still working on coming to terms with all of these new changes happening in my life. I’m learning to be brave. I’m learning to fly. And while all of these changes are taking place, one thing remains: my love for capturing your memories. I am so thankful for that… it just means so much to me that in my new world of ambivalence, I still have my common “safe place” behind my lens… a place that I know.

I wanted to share just a few from my session tonight with a beautiful family. These photos are just a very small tidbit of their session, but they mean so much to me. She’s angelic. In fact, I can’t think of a better way to end my Tuesday, August 21st, second day of college.

Smiles and lots of love,




  1. Brooke Piper says:

    LOVE!!! Can’t wait to see the rest! You did an wonderful job…even though the baby wasn’t as cooperative as he could have been! You are wise beyond your years Taylor and you have an amazing talent! We are so happy to know you!

  2. LuAnn Terry says:

    Taylor, i just wanted to say thank you for taking such beautiful pictures of my granddaughter, Karsyn. I can’t wait to see the rest of them. I have seen some of your work, and you do a great job. Keep up the good work 🙂
    P.S. I am Brooke’s Mom. Please tell your Mom and Dad that i said hello.

  3. Lisa Sherman says:

    Looking for pricing for a 1 year old. Could never afford pics in the beginning so looking for a lot of special in this sitting!! We have acquaintances of Lisa Feld and my cousin Laura Elchert. LOVE LOVE your work! Also friend requested you on Facebook. Can’t wait to hear from you!!
    Lisa Sherman

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