There’s this beautiful girl that I know. Her name is Kelly. We met way back in elementary school. Through the years, we’ve laughed together, cried together, and spent way too many sleepless nights playing Halo together… yes, you read that correctly: Halo.

Kelly is one of those friends that would do anything for you. Yes, Kelly is beautiful, but her heart is just as radient. Not only do I feel blessed to be her photographer, I feel blessed to know her.

Kelly, thank you so much for braving the heat and mud with a fractured foot. I love you!

Smiles and lots of love,



  1. Jamie says:

    These pictures are great!!!

  2. anon says:

    do you realize how BLESSED you are!!! your picutres are always spot on and make me so emotional! i am so sad that there has never been a time that works out for you to photography my family because i would love that.

  3. Allie says:

    I LOVE these pictures.

  4. Kelly says:

    You are amazing. I love you! Thank you SO SO SO much. I cannot wait to see you again and to take more pictures!

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