The hardest part is finding balance.  I was driving to a session that I had been looking forward to for weeks when I found myself in tears.  It just hit me.  I wanted so badly to be with my family.  I fill my weekdays with classes, homework, studying, sessions, and editing, while my weekends are filled with more sessions and editing.  I missed my family terribly.  I missed time to myself.  Relaxation.  Anything that didn’t involve my computer or textbooks.

We just love what we do so much.  Trust me, I know what your heart feels because I feel it too.

 There was editing to be done, galleries to post, and orders to place.  I allowed myself to feel guilty for a total of five minutes.  Then, I let it go.  Whether you’re a 19-year-old college kid or a wife and mother of three, it’s so important that you don’t get so caught up in capturing other families’ memories that you miss out on your own.  I went to the dance.

Smiles and lots of love,




  1. Jena stearns says:

    You are so right Taylor! As a mother of 2 and 8 months pregnant with #3, I feel ya! But we do love what we do! I try to book my kids just as a client! That was I know I have carved the time out for everyone! Keep your head up, your amazing at what you love!

  2. Tonya says:

    You deserve time with your family and time to yourself. And you look absolutely beautiful!

  3. andrea cleveland says:

    I hope you know we appreciated the time saturday and so glad you went to the dance! You look beautiful Taylor! Its ok to be selfish once in awhile! Hope you enjoyed the night with friends!

  4. Sara says:

    I can’t believe how much you resemble your sweet sissy, yet hold a beauty all your own as well…I miss her every day. LOVE!!! and LOVE what you do!

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