Do you ever feel like you’re being pulled in two directions? I feel it.  All. The. Time.  This week, extra.  Actually, when I went to bed tonight, I thought for sure I’d wake to Friday (yes, I’m blogging from bed. I get urges to write.).  Anyway, that’s how long today was- I thought an entire week had already went by.  I have a huge Stats project due Wednesday that was supposed to be two weeks in the making, and well, I haven’t found time to start it.  I’ve reached and passed photo deadlines and guess what else? Midterms are this week.  In all honestly, I was actually blissfully unaware of midterms until I was enlightened by a friend this evening.  I truly hope my mother isn’t reading this post.

I’m stressed. Stress makes me think sad thoughts. Thoughts that question where I’m at and what I’m doing. I can remember a few weeks ago my dad telling me that I needed to get my priorities in check.  He meant it from his heart when he said it. I know he’s only worried about his daughter’s well-being, but at the time, I just shrugged it off and let it go.  I can’t bear the thought of putting my business on the back-burner.  Hmm… but at times like these, times of stress, his words creep eerily back into my mind.  It’s hard.  It’s so hard being a full time student and business owner.  The only thing harder is trying to take off one of my “many hats”.  I’m looking desperately for some sort of happy medium.  Three and a half more years of this kind of stress? No thank you, sir.

I’ll figure it out.  Somehow, I managed a 3.98 GPA and met my business deadlines last semester.  I can do it again.

I can’t be told it can’t be done.

I’m leaving you with an oldie but goodie of my sweet client, Ava, for a few reasons.  First, I despise photoless posts.  Secondly, almost a year later, and I’m STILL adoring this session. Thirdly, and most importantly, I admire Ava’s strong will. I’m familiar with her persistant ways. I can relate to her perseverance.  Sure, she’s only two, but this photo says it all.  She knows what she stands for… which right now, may be fruit snacks and teddy bears… but someday, her stubborn heart will take her to big places.  I’m sure of it.




  1. kasey purtee says:

    U know sometimes you just have to stop and take a breath and know that u are always making the right decisions no matter how hard or easy they are….because those decisions comr from you and what is in your heart. I don’t know u…yet…lol….but I see what u do and it is truely amazing. Don’t worry everything comes together in the end.

  2. jill says:

    Keep it coming girl, you are amazing! The 1st thing I saw in this photo is her stance so full of strength :)I too am a mom with kids, and a full time job plus I am trying to get my photography off the ground. I haven’t slept since Sunday. You can truly do it~ I always look forward to your postings, don’t let the rules of the world get in your way 🙂

  3. Jamie Elchert says:

    Sissy! Burn-out is a very real thing. Sometimes you have to re-prioritize things based on whats going on in your life. When midterms are coming up, you need to put your schoolwork first even if you have already missed photo deadlines. Explain the situation to your clients and apologize. You have amazing clients. They all know and understand that you are a student.
    Of course, I know it is probably hard to focus on schoolwork when your real love is photography. You just have to remember how incredibly LUCKY you are to have the opportunity to go to college. MANY people, even people we know, don’t have that same privilege. Or if they do, they have to pay the entire way for themselves. Viewing your schoolwork as a privilege rather than a chore always helps me change my perspective even when I’m feeling hopeless.
    As I stated before, burn-out is a real thing. If you are craving relaxation or comfort, you need to prioritize that as well! Your well-being is JUST as important as your photo deadlines and your GPA.
    No one is perfect. It is impossible to do all the amazing things your doing and keep it all balanced. That’s just way too much to ask. However, you can try to do better at listening to what you need and giving yourself just that. It will make you happier. And happier Taylor= happier clients right?
    I love you.

  4. mindy says:

    You sound just like me! i stay awake at night thinking of everything going on, I was a full time student, working, a mother, nd trying to get my craft business going only I am not as good s you! i quit school, quit my job and decided I wanted to be a mom for a while. I feel so ashamed sometimes I cry and get upset and feel like I’ve failed myself but then I remember, I’m 20, I am onbly 20 years old. Sure my life is 1/4 of the way done but I have time and plenty of it. I’ll figure out what I want to do in life, but for now I’m Norah’s mother. I love her more than anything and I hate it when I let her stay at my mom’s house for an evening because I miss her so much. I need my time to see her grow up. I don’t ever want to look back and say I worked too much and missed things. I feel like growing up I missed many things with my mother and not having a father didn’t help either. But I created different memories with my grandparents and miss them more than ever. Someday I’ll figure out what to do, but for now I’ve chose a path to be a mom, a crafter, and to help Ben further his NAVY career. We can do it, we will figure it out. Were young and ambitious.

  5. Chrissy says:

    This is stil one of my favorites too 🙂 I’m glad my little one can inspire you!
    Your amazing and we are so grateful for you to have come into our lives.
    Can’t wait until her 3 year pictures and summer pictures of course 🙂

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