It’s September!!! Yikes, not quite sure how I feel about that. I’m excited for Fall because I love the cool air, smell of leaves, and festivities, but I feel like time is moving on without me. I’m stuck back in May or something. Do I sound completely crazy? Probably, but it’s the truth. I’m trying so hard to get back into the swing of things… trying to juggle photography and school and finding my happy medium & healthy balance. I even created an hourly schedule for myself for each day of the week… maybe I’ll share it with you sometime. It’s been really helpful with keeping me on task and not totally losing my mind. The point is, I’m getting there— “back to the grind” as my momma always says.

Anyway, I would like to introduce you to a LOVELY couple: Katherine and Eli. Don’t their names just have a nice ring when said together? Love it. And them. And their adorable country engagement session. Storms were looming, but a little rain didn’t scare us away. Thankfully, the bad weather held off just for us… and oh, did it downpour on my way home. I try not to complain about the rain. It always leaves my locations so green and beautiful.





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