It was a beautiful Fall evening, not different than most, when Snow White decided to take a nice long stroll through the forest…

They say that Snow White is the fairest of them all. She is very, very pretty.

Beautiful, indeed. 

While enjoying the beauty of nature and the warmth of sunshine, something caught Snow White’s eye…

An apple! Snow White was a little bit hungry, so she decided to eat the apple as a little snack.

After taking a bite of the apple, Snow White realized that something was wrong. She began to feel very sleepy.

Snow White fell fast asleep on the forest floor.

Thankfully, there was a prince from a faraway land who just happened to be enjoying a stroll through the forest as well. When the prince saw beautiful Snow White asleep in the grass, he knew something MUST be wrong.

The charming prince watched over Snow White as she slept…

… and with TRUE love’s kiss…

Snow White was awoken!

Then, Snow White and Prince Charming…




  1. alisha says:

    OH WOW Thanks Taylor this is AMAZING people are so quick to judge pitties and they are like any other doggie !!!!! dad said you sld enter this in a contest lol LOVE LOVE LOVE IT and U !!!

  2. Rachel Frank says:

    Truly adorable. Brought a smile to my face!

  3. Christine Rapp says:

    Oh Taylor this is beautiful!!! Amazing! Wow! Pitties everywhere thank you!!!!!

  4. Renee says:

    Awwwww, what a cute idea. Love it. Sasha DOES watch over her, and stays so patient when Jayci dresses her up. <3

  5. Shawna says:

    Taylor, this is SO SO beautiful! I MUST have you do my childrens photos! You truly are an amazing person & photographer! I ABSOLUTELY would be a fool to not have something like this of my children! I simply am in love. I would never recommend anyone to any other photographer!! Keep it up, you have big things ahead of you. (:

  6. Sarah says:

    What a fantastic fairy tale! I bet this little girl will cherish these memories of her beloved pup for many years to come. Great work as an ambassador for this breed! 🙂

  7. melissa says:

    Awe… this literally made my eyes well up with tears and chuckle at the same time!!! My favorite story yet 😉 keep them coming

  8. Taylor-Such a wonderful job. As a longtime photographer and lover of dogs you’ve captured the beauty of both a child and a very misunderstood breed during this Awareness month. Thank you.

  9. Elisa says:

    Oh my…such beautiful pictures!

  10. Holly says:

    Taylor, this is beautiful 🙂

  11. Susanne says:

    Beautiful photos with an enlightening message!

  12. YAY! I applaud you for sharing a good message about pit bulls. I worked with 2 rescued pitties. Such great dogs. And I like the creative way you shared the message.

  13. P.S. My dog has a popular YouTube channel (she does dog tricks). I’m going to share your website with her fans, so that I can help spread your wonderful message! 🙂 And get this out to the dog loving community. 🙂

  14. Lynne says:

    Wow….beautiful photography and the most darling story! We have 3 lovely pitties and we love them so much! Glad to see you show how sweet they are with kids….thanks for sharing and “creating” too!!!

  15. This is beautiful. What a wonderful way to show your love and appreciation for Pit Bulls! I’m sharing far and wide. 🙂

  16. Carla says:

    I just LOVEEE this! Shows how amazing the breed really is

  17. Angela Boone says:

    I absolutely LOOOOOOOVE this! What a great session! My heart is full right now. <3

  18. Beautiful! Prince Charming sure is handsome, Snow White better make sure she keeps him all to herself!! Thank you for sharing this post showcasing a pittie 🙂

  19. Seriously adorable. Beautiful princess, and the most precious prince!!! love it!!

  20. Fran C says:

    FABULOUS! Simply FABULOUS. Thanks for doing this. We must all work to end stereotyping and profiling.

  21. This just might be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen!!!!

  22. Delia McLinden says:


  23. Narelle Norris says:

    You should publish these photos and make them into a book!!!! Just one more way to spread awareness about what we already know…….how truly wonderful our pitties & bully breeds truly are!!!!!! <3 = )

  24. Ashley Tyner says:

    I LOVED this! I don’t even have words for how beautiful. You did an amazing job. <3

  25. Ali says:

    I LOVE IT!

  26. Amy Kelly says:

    THANK YOU for capturing and show casing the true heart of this beautiful dog!!!!

  27. Truth says:

    pitbulls are not the same as any other dog. They have a proven history of attacking more easily and being more violent in their attacks. If you don’t believe me, its actually spelled out on the spca website! I’m not saying no one should have pitbulls, but they should not be treated like they are harmless. If you don’t ackowledge and become aware of what they are capable of you are at fault for whatevet happens.

  28. Ilana Lowy says:

    TRUTH- Pitbulls ARE unlike any other dog; they are the most wonderful companions on 4 legs! Our world changed for the better the day we rescued one 4 years ago. This post made my day/week/month. Thank you for creating/sharing and helping to spread the word about positive pitbull awareness. Beautiful dog and princess!

  29. Love this. This little girl will cherish these photos and memories for the rest of her life.

  30. Aubrey Holliday says:

    This is absolutely stunning. What a gorgeous composition. I’m a huge fan of your work—-I always love seeing new posts. 🙂

  31. Lori D Rodgers says:

    Awesome Pictures. Thank You. We also enjoy a pitbull that looks like the beautiful pit in your pictures. They are truly amazing little humanbeings. Beautiful little girl also.

  32. Michelle Byerly says:

    I was linked to your beautiful work by We’re Lovers, Not Fighters on Facebook. Happy tears came to my eyes while looking through this amazing fairy tale! Pit bulls are phenomenal and YOU have a true gift! <3

  33. AnnQ says:

    Amazing and beautiful photographs! Definitely brought a smile to me face 🙂

  34. AnnQ says:

    Amazing and beautiful photographs! Definitely brought a smile to my face 🙂

  35. Christine says:

    Adorable! I love the idea and its beautiful!

  36. Juli-Anne Warll says:

    Beautiful job on your shots and your gorgeous models did a fabulous job as well. Kudos!

  37. What a great way to start the day than to see this lovely story and the incredibly sweet photography. Thank you. It brought tears of joy to my eyes.

  38. Miss Mary says:

    If any dog is abused, starved and mistreated, it will attack. They are no such things as bad dogs… only bad owners.
    So says this crazy cat lady!

  39. Nelly Rivera says:

    This’s beautiful and adorable… Thank you for share it! I owned a Pitbull, and was the most peaceful and adorable dog I ever had…

  40. Rev. D. says:


  41. Tina Charette says:

    Love these pictures!

  42. Sentevella says:


  43. susan says:

    Love it.

  44. Samantha Stahlecker says:

    I have never seen your work before but LOVED it the minute I seen this portfolio. I am also a pit bull lover and brought joy to my heat that you captured the beauty of these amazing dogs; as my family owns one.

  45. Bonnie Stefan says:

    What a wonderful story! A fitting tribute to a breed of dog that most people do not understand at all. I am physically challenged and if it weren’t for my Prince and Princes Pits would never have survived. They keep me going everyday.

  46. Megan says:

    I adore this. I hope my future children can have thousands of pleasant memories with my current furchildren (3 pitties) and that I can get some fantastic pictures taken of them all together.. this is beautiful I adore it 😀

  47. Csmo Marino says:


  48. Lisa says:

    This has to be the most PRECIOUS photoshoot I have ever seen! I’ve taken some and have been on the other end of the camera…but this?!?! LOVE IT! Just rat’s butt ADORA-BULL!!!

  49. Helen Smith says:

    Lovely story and photos but disappointed to see a dog being squeezed uncomfortably as the last photo. Please do some research into body language when taking photos of dogs and children together.

  50. julie Scharfe says:

    I love Taylor and her PRInce! Thi si theBEST of the BEST ! Beautiful photos, beautiful little girl! Taylor you are truly a Princess of the est kind too. I can tell you have a oving heart and PIts can tell that doo. That is why the PRince kised you, little one. You are a kind person! And, it doesn’t hurt to be beautiful either! LOVE you both! Thanks to you and the PRince, I started my day off really well! Does this PRince have a name? Is he up for adoption? Pleae tell us so we can get the word out if he is available. HEY maybe that’s his name, Prince!
    yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! ! !
    Julie Jacobs Scharfe, boca raton, FL

  51. amanda says:

    that is so adorable. the prince sure is handsome and the princess is beautiful.

  52. Ginger San Nicolas says:

    These are absolutely Beautiful photos! Both Girls are Lovely! I believe your pit baby is a girl?! If so she played her part of the Prince well! We love the picture of the kiss, your little princess is laughing in her sleep!!! Made me smile! Thank you!

  53. Karen says:

    Beautiful child, beautiful dog, beautiful story! All my dogs have been shelter dogs and I haven’t had the joy of owning a pit, yet. Any dog has the potential of harming others but so do humans. Always be a vigilant, dog parents, just as you should be with your children! I love all dogs and treasure the bond we share.

  54. jenn says:

    Beautiful girl, handsome prince and priceless storytelling. Thank you for sharing how special this breed truly is. I see it in the eyes of my girl every day!

  55. Suzanne says:

    Absolutely adorable; beautiful! It was so cute and sweet it made me a little teary. Both child and prince are gorgeous! What a wonderful rendition of Snow White!

  56. Tammie says:

    Oh I love this so much!! As a photographer and mom to 3 kids and a pit bull this speaks directly to my heart. The subjects are beautiful, the photography is stunning and the message is priceless. I love it!!!

  57. Mutya says:

    Thank you so much for sharing!!!!! Beautiful princess and prince!!!!

  58. Jacqueline Kane says:

    Absolutely Beautiful!!!!!

  59. Darlene Dickerson says:

    Omy Goodness my eyes are leaking and can’t stop… I was so enchanted with the lil Snow White and her beauty and then the Handsome Prince showed up….. and I lost it… Being A Pit Bull Owner Myself and knowing all the negativity they receive this was so refreshing to see…. you did a amazing job with this photo shoot… Thank You Darlene Dickerson 🙂

  60. Betty Schueler says:

    Love the photo story. You can tell the handsome young prince and Snow White will live happily ever after. You really should put this in book form and sell it.

  61. crystal says:

    Oh what a cute pair they make! Beautiful little girl and handsome dog. wonderful job on this photo shoot with story.

  62. Chad Lampson says:

    Pitties soooo love kids…. I don’t have the time for a dog right now, but would have one if i did have the time a dog takes….
    I know someone with 2 pit babies, and when those dogs see my kids coming, the tail starts up, and the belly rolls up in the air….
    Such great dogs..

  63. Jennifer C says:

    Awwww !! How sweet that was … put a smile on my face and joy in my heart 🙂 🙂 ♥

  64. Jo says:

    How daring is this please keep up thr great work on saving these beautiful loving dogs <3

  65. Brenda Coble says:

    This is Beautiful, I love this story & the pictures are Beautiful !

  66. Mary Williams says:

    Brilliant photographer . . pricesless story!

  67. Susan says:

    I am stupidly teary. Beautiful photos and a lovely story for the best dogs in the world.

  68. Donna miller says:

    I loved this story! Your gorgeous pittie looks just like my “grand dog ” Stewie. And he has taken care of his princess, my daughter, since 2006. Thank you for the beautiful story!

  69. roca says:

    Saw this on FB and it’s just brilliant! Well done. You have a beautiful talent and what better way to capture the character of this charming pitbull and snow white 😉

  70. Kristen says:

    I cannot put into words how much I love this! So precious! Thank you for portraying a Pit Bull the right way…as a loved family member!

  71. Alison Fleming says:

    Words cannot describe…..maybe tears can. This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen! Thank you (for all the abused and misrepresented Pit Bull type dogs out there).

  72. Kelly says:

    This is amazing! What a beautiful memory you created!!

  73. LeeAnn says:

    An amazing, beatiful story! Thank you so much for showing the true nature of the pit bull breed. They are truely the best!!!

  74. Beverly Godfrey says:


  75. […] this new photo set, the answer to that question is 3-year-old […]

  76. Alex elchert says:

    Taylor this is amazing!!

  77. Kellie Kasbee says:

    I love this!!! I could picture my little girl with out pitbull just like this! She loves him dearly. If I cant get her to sleep, she crawls over to him, curls up and falls asleep quickly

  78. Jenna Richards says:

    This is such a beautiful set of photos! I absolutely love it! I am a pittie lover and these just warm my heart.

  79. great shooting wonderfull story

  80. Deanna says:

    Taylor- this is such a charming and heartwarming photo essay! I hope the picture you shared of the warm, loyal, faithful, and friendly side of pitties helps change the public perception of them. Too many people don’t realize that it’s not the dogs’ nature to be mean, but the cruelty and violence comes from the owners who breed, but, or whatever for dog fighting “entertainment.” Keep sharing your message – it just takes one spark to create change!!

  81. Katie says:

    Pit bulls everywhere thank you!!! Finally a positive light on them and show casing what they are really meant to do, protect and love!

  82. Sue Brinton says:

    Precious!!! Thank you for making me tear up right after getting my makeup on this morning….this is beautiful!!!!

  83. Michele says:

    Beautiful! I love the story, the beautiful little snow white, price pitty charming, and the wonderful photography capturing the scenery. Would make an awesome little book!

  84. Kimberly says:

    That made me burst into tears. Thank you. I cannot stand that so many people have a problem with pit bulls, and more of us need to show how wonderful ALL dogs are. What a beautiful “photo essay” I love it!

  85. ROSEMARY R. says:

    OMG…..that was the cutest, most adorable tale ever. Beautiful subjects, fine photography. WELL WELL WELL DONE

  86. veronica gris says:

    Ohhh is a adorable history. Congrats for your work, is amazing!!

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