There’s a sign in Cecilia’s nursery that says, “once you have love you have everything”. Well, I’d like to alter that to “once you have family you have everything”. Pretty much the same thing… right?

I’m so blessed to be part of the Elchert family… a family willing to fly their photographer cousin down to capture their new baby. I love and miss that sweet baby girl so much already. Meeting her feels like a dream. In fact, if I didn’t have a sunburn as proof that this past weekend was real, I might wonder if it actually happened. I can’t thank Sara and Dan enough.

Please enjoy a small peek at my stay in Florida this past weekend. Before you hit play, let me narrate a little, since only bits and pieces of the weekend is included in the video…

The flight left from Cleveland on Friday afternoon. We landed at Atlanta’s airport and I had just enough time to snap a quick picture before we boarded for Ft. Lauderdale. Dan and Al met us at the airport. Seeing those two was like seeing sun in a bright blue sky after an awful winter (which I got to do as well). Then I met Cecilia. And I fell in love. We ate a yummy home-cooked dinner that night and got to bed early. The next morning, we hung out by the pool before heading to the beach. The ocean water was 76 degrees. Dan and Sara agreed that it was too cold for swimming, but Sammi and I thought otherwise. After enjoying the ocean, we headed back to the house to get cleaned up and ready for dinner. My cousins, aunts, and uncles ate at a place called The Backyard. We stayed until the sun set, before heading back home for the night, where Dan, Sara, Al, Sammi, and a sleepy Ceci & I watched a couple episodes of The Walking Dead while eating Blue Bell ice cream. If you haven’t had Blue Bell ice cream, you really really really should. It is unlike any ice cream I have ever experienced. So anyway, the next morning was kind of a bummer because my aunts and uncles were heading back to Ohio. My Uncle Paul (Cecilia’s grandpa) stopped over to say goodbye, and not long after that, it was bath time for miss Cecilia on the count that a certain new dad put the diaper on a little too loose. 🙂 After bath time, a few snuggles, and a walk through the park, it was time for Cecilia’s official photo session. We turned off the air conditioning in the house and I set up my little studio space in their living room. She rocked it, of course. After all, she IS an Elchert. I included just one of her “formal” portraits in the video. After her session, we headed out for our last dinner in Florida- at a place called Old Key Lime, I believe. The view was beautiful, but it was bittersweet, knowing I’d be looking at a white sky and ground the following day. But, you know, it is what is is. 🙂

Let me tell you something, though. There are a few things in life that will never ever get old, no matter the weather or the state or the time of day. Amongst these things are time spent with family, the view from an airplane window, fresh baby smell, and the shrimp tacos from The Backyard.




  1. Michelle says:

    Your Dad was right……this will bring a tear to your eye. There ain’t nothing better than family. ❤️ The only thing that would have made this trip better would be a whole lot more of ELCHERTS.

  2. Renee says:

    awwww, my sweet grand baby. I can’t wait to get down and see her. The video is perfect. <3

  3. Pat DeMonte says:

    Love, love, love your video! You had me in tears at the first sight of Miss Ceci! Her big bright eyes and her sweet little face melted my heart…again! Seeing her being held by her Daddy brought a BIG SMILE to my face, as I miss them both so much. By the time I got to the part where her Mommy was holding her on the couch and looking down on her with such a sweet smile, I was almost sobbing. And to see the two of them (Ceci and Sara) just staring into each others eyes, made my heart burst with joy at the love they have for each other already!
    Watching Sara and Dan give Cecilia her bath and how gently they hold her and care for her lets me know that they are going to be amazing parents! But seeing her Grandpa Elchert’s smile when he is holding her was such a wonderful tribute to the love that the Elchert family has for all the little ones that they have welcomed into their family.
    Thank you for making this video of your trip. I am glad that you and Sammie had such a great time. More importantly, thank you for sharing your gift and talents to give us a small glimpse of how Sara, Dan and Ceci are doing and to remind us that they are so very happy with their little girl and she is so very blessed to have them as her Mommy and Daddy! Once you have love you have everything!

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