First of all, I want to welcome you to my new website. Isn’t it lovely? It was created with love by the very talented Point of Vue Photography and Design. 🙂 I’ve been putting a lot of time and energy into making sure that everything I do reflects my style. This was step one. Anyway…

I’ve kind of been struggling lately. This time of the year is tough on me. It teases me by giving me an occasional warm day. I don’t like chilly evenings and wet ground. My heart belongs in Summer.

Along with my longing for hot air and sticky skin, I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching. Thoughts about my business and my education and my life and my style. I don’t just mean my photography style, but my style in general. Things that my heart flutter, you know? So I put my work aside and took a long walk on Saturday evening.

It’s not hard for me to find beautiful things. I see beauty everywhere. But when I come across something makes me lose my breath for a second, gives me goosebumps, and makes me little giddy… well, that’s really something. A simple weed catching beautiful April sunlight. So beautifully simple. And although I was bundled up in my winter coat, fleece-lined leggings, and mud shoes, I saw Summer. Hot air. Sticky skin. Where I belong. Where I someday will be. So I captured it.

There will be some small changes coming. I don’t want to say that I found my style, well because, it’s always been there. But I want to live it. I want my work to reflect it. There’s enough room for mundane in life, but I never want that to be what I see through my viewfinder… whatever it is, I want it to make me lose my breath, give me goosebumps, and make me giddy. It’s important to me. It’s so very important to me.





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