Sweet Corbin is ONE! His momma asked if we could shoot his first birthday session at Lake Erie, so of course, I was all for it. 🙂 When I arrived at the lake, I took a second to text my boyfriend, telling him, “this rejuvenates my soul”. Hehe. It’s the truth, and it was my absolute honor to spend my evening with this little fella and his family, capturing his spirit.

After Corbin’s images were finished up, I got into my car and plugged my studio address into my GPS. It told me to take a left out of the driveway… but I went right. And I’m so grateful that I did. I spent the remainder of my evening at the Marblehead lighthouse with my toes in the water. As I sat there, with a cool breeze brushing my face, I thought about why I fell in love with photography to begin with.

I’m not sure if I could really pin-point one moment that defined my love for what I do. There are so many. But I came up with this… It’s not entirely about the families I work with. It’s not all about the cute kids, or the beautiful locations, or the fun props. It’s not the sweet belly-laugh that comes from a silly one-year-old. It’s not solely about capturing moments for moms and dads to enjoy years down the road. It’s so much more selfish than that. I think I originally fell in love with photography because of the way it makes ME feel. It awakens my heart and calms my mind. It makes me see the simple beauty in everything around me. It asks me to fall in love with the tender fleetingness of every moment.

It rejuvenates my soul.



Sweet boy. Those wispy curls melt me.


Tell me this isn’t the sweetest belly-laugh you’ve ever seen. I feel privileged to have witnessed it!




  1. Eliza Daniels says:

    Precious baby! Love these 😀

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