For some reason, this time of the year always brings some sort of nostalgia for me. Maybe it has something to do with the cooler air reminding me of going back to school and all of the excitement in the upcoming months between Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I have always adored holidays.
This year is a little different, though. It still holds that special nostalgia, but it also holds this unfamiliar period of waiting. It truly is a strange – and totally amazing – season of life to be in, waiting for my two little girls to arrive. I already have so much love for these two tiny people that I’ve never even met, and that is such a strange and wonderful feeling. I spend so much of each day just dreaming about what they’ll look like and who they’ll become. It feels like so much of my life revolves around them, and yet, they are not even here… it’s very odd. Nesting has also already hit in FULL FORCE, and I’ve been finding myself shifting into a much more organizedĀ person… not that I’m usually unorganized (although, my husband might tell you differently. šŸ˜‰ ).


This photo was taken at 20 weeks. I am now approaching 27.




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