Rosalie and Eloise are six weeks old today! I wanted to take a little time to share some photographs with you. At this moment, the girls are finishing up their morning nap and I am finishing up my morning coffee. This is the only time during the day that I can drink the whole cup in one sitting… no reheating required. 😉  I treasure these slow quiet mornings. I know that in just a year from now, our days will begin much differently! It is amazing how quickly they grow and change.

The girls are beginning to become so much more aware of their surroundings and it is so fun to watch them look around the room… their little eyes just soaking it all in. Their favorite thing to look at is still our photo wall in our living room. Austin and I had a photo session on the beach the day after our wedding, and we have a gallery wall of images from that session behind our couch. The girls can’t get enough of it and it completely melts my mama/photographer heart. And I gotta say, I’ve been finding myself staring at that wall a little more than usual lately as well. With highs being in the single digits, I can’t help but to dream of warmer weather. I would never wish these days away, but I am certainly looking forward to spring. I’m sure you can relate! But in the meantime, I’ve got the sweetest six-week-old baby snuggles to keep me warm… 🙂


Already keeping secrets from mama!


“Always got your back, sis”




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