“I don’t envy you” – these four words struck my heart. It was one of our first outings, and the first of many unwelcome remarks, I’m sure. I overheard them being spoken to my husband about our twin girls. He laughed and brushed it off. I didn’t. But I also didn’t respond. I wish I would have. This is what I would have said:

From the bottom of my heart, I hope that you do not envy us… I know that there are people who do. There are people – probably people you know – who would do anything to have one baby, let alone two at the same time. That kind of envy is so deeply painful… and my heart goes out to anyone who is in the trenches of infertility.

I won’t lie to you and tell you that it is easy; being parents of multiples is tough, but it is also the single most amazing thing I have ever done in my life. I get to watch these two precious gifts from God grow and love each other. I get to watch them share a bond that no one – not even their mama – will fully understand. I get to love them BOTH. Together. At the same time. And it is absolutely a miracle.

You don’t envy us… but you also don’t know a love like this. Sure, our hands are full… but our hearts are even fuller. You can’t see that. And I’m truly sorry that you can’t. But it’s okay. Because we do. Every single moment of every single day. Even if we had the choice, we wouldn’t change a thing.


I am SO thankful for warm(ish) weather, a tripod, and beautiful leaves still hangin’ on after a rough winter… and my darling girls, of course.



  1. A friend of mine has THREE sets of twins! 🙂
    She’s full of lots of advice and suggestions if ever needed.
    Your babies are so cute!!! <3

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