

A Girl's Best Friend…

Some say a girl’s best friend is a diamond… Some may say it’s shopping… Some may say it’s chocolate… Some may say it’s a favorite dress… Some may say it’s the color pink… Some may even say that a girl’s best friend is four packs of Oreos and a gallon of milk… … But… I’m […]

January 26, 2014

Baby, personal

Dylan {my hopes}

A whole year has went by since I first saw his sweet face. I could say that he stole my heart, but of course, that’s a given. At the end of his one-year photo session, his momma handed me a card to fill out. The back of the card says, “first visitor”. It’s for his […]

January 25, 2014

Baby, personal


The lady at the bank told me that I’m doing awesome things. Even though her words actually followed my lengthy explanation of my own struggles of juggling college and a business and everything else in between, they still touched me. I’m not sure why I’m inclined to tell total strangers about the deep parts of […]

January 24, 2014

Baby, personal

Pamela + Corrie {maternity}

I sat alone at a high table in Franks Hall. One of my classes got out early, so I had a little time to try to catch up on emails. So, there I sat, tapping away at my cell-phone, when another student sat across from me. I smiled at him. His eyes matched his shirt […]

January 16, 2014

Maternity, personal, Uncategorized

So Long 2013

My heart belongs to the children who show me their own through my lens… I don’t remember what we giggled about, but I remember the sound of our laughter. I can’t remember the stories that were spoken, but I know we had smiles on our faces. I can’t quite place our silent moments, but I […]

December 31, 2013

personal, Uncategorized


I have some exciting news… The door pictured below leads to the other half of my studio. The NEW half. I’m expanding. 🙂 I love everything about this old door: from the unfinished trim to the paint-smeared handle, and despite its imperfections, the opportunities that it holds. “Ask and it will be given to you; […]

December 27, 2013

personal, Uncategorized

Christmas Already?!

This time of the year sneaks up on me. And this year, it snuck up with vengeance. I mean, it’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, right? For me – and I’m sure many others can relate – it tends to bring stress. Like many others, photographers work their booties off […]

December 18, 2013


In The Quiet

I sat here for awhile. Trying to decide how words could possibly do these photographs justice. They can’t. But I will say that moments like these validate what I do. Families like this one show me why God put a camera in my hands.  It’s an extraordinary thing to be a part of memories. Whenever I […]

December 9, 2013


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