There’s a sign in Cecilia’s nursery that says, “once you have love you have everything”. Well, I’d like to alter that to “once you have family you have everything”. Pretty much the same thing… right? I’m so blessed to be part of the Elchert family… a family willing to fly their photographer cousin down to […]
They have the kind of love that just radiates. I could feel it, my assistant (aka BFF) could feel it, and I’m pretty sure I was on a cloud of warm fuzziness for at least a couple hours after the session. I’m sure you’ll start to feel it too! When Megan & Joe first contacted […]
Tonight, after all of my sessions, my sisters and I went to see Monsters University. Monsters Inc. was a favorite of ours when we were kids, so it was kind of special seeing it together… and pretty bittersweet. How tricky of Disney Pixar to wait exactly 12 years to release Monsters University after the first, […]
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