

Dylan {my hopes}

A whole year has went by since I first saw his sweet face. I could say that he stole my heart, but of course, that’s a given. At the end of his one-year photo session, his momma handed me a card to fill out. The back of the card says, “first visitor”. It’s for his […]

January 25, 2014

Baby, personal

Christmas Already?!

This time of the year sneaks up on me. And this year, it snuck up with vengeance. I mean, it’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, right? For me – and I’m sure many others can relate – it tends to bring stress. Like many others, photographers work their booties off […]

December 18, 2013


Slow Down

I got my first EVER speeding ticket on Friday.  I was heading down to Cincinnati to meet with an amazing family through Red Thread Sessions (a wonderful organization that gives photo sessions to newly adoptive families).  Anyway, I was devastated.  The officer kept asking me, “where are you going in such a hurry?”, but I […]

October 20, 2013

Children, personal, Uncategorized

It's October!

October is here!  It’s actually surreal to me.  I remember last Fall as if it were yesterday.  Last year seems so close and yet, worlds away.  So much has changed since then.  Change…  Today, Sammi and I transformed my office into a prop room.  It was used as an office for about 5 seconds and […]

October 1, 2013

Newborn {studio}, personal


I’m sitting on the floor in tears as I sift through our old photos.  I know for a fact that you will laugh at me for crying and say something like, “Oh jeez…”.  You always do. It’s late (or early depending on how you want to look at it) and your graduation is hours away.  […]

June 1, 2013


get social