

Christmas Already?!

This time of the year sneaks up on me. And this year, it snuck up with vengeance. I mean, it’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, right? For me – and I’m sure many others can relate – it tends to bring stress. Like many others, photographers work their booties off […]

December 18, 2013


Welcoming the Newest ELCHERT {first 48}

Christina and John didn’t figure out the gender with their first baby (my beautiful cousin, Stella), and they did the same for their second. I never really understood the whole deal of leaving the gender as a surprise until just recently. See, I received a text on Sunday night from Christina, letting me know that […]

October 29, 2013

first 48, personal

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Today at 4pm, I welcomed friends, family, and clients into my studio for my ribbon cutting ceremony. I’ve been in this space since June, but let me just say, it’s a work in progress. 🙂 I spent my whole Summer making it pretty, and I was finally ready to schedule a ribbon cutting. Perfect timing, […]

October 11, 2013


Katie + Matt {engagement}

They met in high school. They are amazing because although I met with them for only about an hour or so, I felt like I’ve known them my whole life. They laugh… a lot. I mean, like, a lot. I think you’ll see what I mean. They just might be the sweetest of country high […]

October 9, 2013


Cora Grace {6 months}

To say that this past week was hard would be an understatement.  But I’ll tell ya what, when I have a precious baby in front of my lens, all is right in my life.  I’ve always described my studio as a separate place from the world… A place where only love is spoken and memories […]

October 8, 2013

Baby, personal


I’m thankful for slow internet because it means I’m lucky enough to have it. I’m thankful for that certain someone that steals my perfect parking spot because it means I can walk. I’m thankful for the people that sit next to me who argue about politics because it means we live in a country with […]

April 1, 2013

personal, Uncategorized

get social