There’s something I love very deeply about photography. Okay, so there’s lots of things, but I love the way it requires me to live in the moment. Living in the moment is what the essence of photography is all about. Lately, I’ve been needing that reminder more than anything… living for now. Too often, I find […]
I sat here for awhile. Trying to decide how words could possibly do these photographs justice. They can’t. But I will say that moments like these validate what I do. Families like this one show me why God put a camera in my hands. It’s an extraordinary thing to be a part of memories. Whenever I […]
If you were sitting here with me, basking in night owl glory, I would do my very best to explain to you how much I love lifestyle sessions. Actually, the first thing I would do is make you a cup of coffee, because we’d have a long night. I was greeted from the window. A […]
First of all, welcome to my new blog/website! It was time for a change and I am just loving my new set-up. I hope you are too;) So many people have asked me, “Why make the change now? Aren’t you heading to college this Fall?”. Well, the answer is yes, I am heading to college […]
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