

Little Miss Sunshine

The other night, I took my best friend to one of my favorite places in the whole world. Basically, it’s a rock on the edge of a creek, just big enough to comfortably fit two people. I love it. When we got there, I was bummed to see that the creek was so high, that […]

July 25, 2015


Six Years

So, here we are.  And to be honest, I never thought I’d be here. About six years ago, my sisters and I were lounging by the pool, which is about five feet from a cornfield. The corn was about as high as my hopes. I had just photographed my little sister for fun a few […]

August 5, 2014

Children, personal

When Skies are Gray

You are my sunshine… my only sunshine. I had way too much fun playing in the rain with my sweet little cousin, Stella. We were loving the warm temps! Spring, please hurry? xoxo, Taylor

January 30, 2013

Baby, Children

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