

Pastel Skies

If it weren’t for the photographs and STILL finding sand in my camera bag, I would think this trip was a dream. xo

January 15, 2015

Baby, Children

The REAL Story of Sleeping Beauty {Pit Bull Awareness Month}

Long ago, there was a beautiful princess. This princess loved to snuggle in her soft bed, but she was under an awful curse… she simply could not sleep, no matter how hard she tried. Her eyes just would not close. With her pretty eyes wide open, she decided to take a walk through the enchanted field… […]

October 14, 2014

Children, Family, personal, Uncategorized


One of my lovely followers recently messaged me, asking how I find such beautiful locations to photograph in little old Tiffin. At first, I wasn’t really sure how to respond. You see, I was never one to think that Ohio is lacking in beauty. The thing is, I’ve realized that it’s not about what you […]

September 18, 2014

Baby, Children, personal, Uncategorized

Happy National Dog Day

Sandusky river. After the storm. Muddy feet. Muddy paws. Happy heart.

August 26, 2014

personal, Uncategorized

Six Years

So, here we are.  And to be honest, I never thought I’d be here. About six years ago, my sisters and I were lounging by the pool, which is about five feet from a cornfield. The corn was about as high as my hopes. I had just photographed my little sister for fun a few […]

August 5, 2014

Children, personal

Tiell {family}

You probably won’t understand, but I will try my best. There’s this aching feeling I get whenever I drive by a field of flowers. The ache is similar when the sunlight is just pure magic falling into my car windows or when I stumble across an overgrown woods. You probably don’t understand, but I ache […]

August 1, 2014

Family, personal

Come, Sit By Me

I just couldn’t keep this image to myself, but sadly, I know that Facebook wouldn’t approve. A friend of mine recently had her business page banned after she posted a photo of a baby bum. Someone found it offensive or something. If something THIS innocent and sweet is considered wrong… then I don’t wanna be […]

July 10, 2014

Baby, Children, personal

Corbin {1 year}

Sweet Corbin is ONE! His momma asked if we could shoot his first birthday session at Lake Erie, so of course, I was all for it. 🙂 When I arrived at the lake, I took a second to text my boyfriend, telling him, “this rejuvenates my soul”. Hehe. It’s the truth, and it was my […]

June 26, 2014

Baby, Children, Family

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