When I photograph the Poignon family, I know the Summer is almost over. They always book their family session for August which results in a pretty bitter sweet experience for me! I just love them and amongst these rainy days, I couldn’t have picked a better Summer day for their session.

Despite the weather, this Summer has been amazing… and so full. Full of all kinds of awesome sessions and people and places. I said goodbye to my beloved studio for a new one, and I said goodbye to my old college for a new one. Goodbye is hard, especially for me, but it’s a little less hard knowing that it will result in something better. I’m SO excited to see what kind of awesomeness my new studio will bring and although you will have a hard time getting me to admit it, I may be a liiiittle teensy eensy bit excited to see what this new University is all about. 😉 I’m almost ready to say goodbye to Summer. I almost can’t wait for Fall & Christmas mini sessions. Almost.



  1. Karen says:

    These are great pictures:)))))

  2. Pat says:

    They are too stinking cute!!!!

  3. Rebecca Kramer says:


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